Parents Can’t Help But Teach
How to promote healthy development and support children through school

Our Mission

Our Philosophy

Learning Approaches


Building Bonds


Our Mission

To help parents support and nurture their children academically and emotionally at home, to ensure educational success.

Our Philosophy

For children to succeed in life, the importance of support they receive at home from their parents cannot be under-estimated.

Unlike teachers, parents are not trained in teaching strategies, methods or techniques.
For this reason they often feel left out of the loop and unable to support their children, as they would like.

This then causes frustration and sometimes resentment when things go wrong.

Our aim is to empower parents, so that they have a better understanding of the educational system and what their child is learning as well as how they are learning it.
With this knowledge, they can better support their child at home, overcoming any difficulties early and better supporting them through school.

This is to foster better relationships between parents and teachers, so that they can work collaboratively for the child’s benefit.

Learning Approaches

Teaching is a complex and challenging role, requiring adaptation to the learners’ needs. All our resources are designed to support parents, who can then use that knowledge to support their children individually.

We provide course material in the form of videos, articles and instructions, to cater for different types of learners as well as resources needed to work with their children too. All resources support the National curriculum and are directly linked to the work performed by children in school.


All children are unique and learn in different ways. However, at a young age most are kinaesthetic learners requiring practical experiences to learn from. This type of learning cannot be achieved by purely sitting in front of a screen. Children need adult interaction and explanation, specifically tailored to their level of understanding. This can only be provided by caring, informed adults.

All parents start their parenting roles as their child’s first teacher. They teach their children to feed themselves, dress themselves and other life skills. They know their children’s abilities, strengths and weaknesses. But when their children start school, this role is forsaken and relinquished to teachers.

It is our aim to re-establish this connection by empowering parents with knowledge of the education system and teaching methods, so that they can continue to cater for their children’s learning better at home, and in turn supporting the work done in school.

Building stronger bonds between parents and children.

From the moment a child is born, there is a naturally strong bond between parent and child. Llittle can break the trust a child has for their main carers However, once a child enters school this trust starts to weaken, as many parents are unable to help or support their children in their learning.

This often has far reaching implications as a child grows. Afterall, who can you trust if you cannot trust your parents to support you.

By supporting parents, we aim to reinstate the bonds originally built and ensure parents are better able to support their children through school.

Building Bonds

Ofsted expect schools to engage effectively with parents and ensure that there is good communication.

Schools are also required to provide evidence that homework is being set and completed by children on a regular basis. However, most children struggle with homework and parents struggle to understand it too, let alone explain to their child. We therefore aim to overcome these natural frustrations parents have and in turn help them to build better relationships with schools.


We aim to provide content of the highest quality and calibre, which is easy to understand and follow. We welcome feedback from users, so that we can improve and address any issues, tailoring our resources specifically to our users needs.

As we are aware that there are many different approaches to teaching, we aim to produce our material to compliment the subjects and years through school, as our users require.